What is the World Doing?

Devastating earthquakes have ravished through Indonesia in the past few months. It seems as though the phenomenon was just a quick news flash, and then the world was on to something else. It is hard to imagine that the South Pacific region of Asia which was hit with the massive tsunami a few years ago that set the region back dozens of years, has had to undergo the recent bout of devastating earthquakes. What a lot of Westerners don’t realize is that third-world countries don’t have the infrastructure, resources, nor the much needed finances to clean up, and put the aftermath of disasters behind them. No, they are left to wallow in the ruins, and live with a constant reminded or how tragic it can be to live in a third-world context. Please, what can we do to make a difference?


  1. Lew said,

    September 28, 2007 at 7:27 am

    The latest series of earthquakes in Indonesia hit Sumatra. Bengkulu experienced a 7.9 quake, and Padang was hit the next day. North of Bengkulu over 17,000 homes were destroyed. A small tsunami also hit the area. For more data on the series of earthquakes, see http://www.bng.co.id.

  2. taoism2007 said,

    November 30, 2007 at 9:52 am

    Let me introduce myself, I am one of the donors for the “anak asuh” of WH-CC and so far, i am pleased with WH-CC. It is not Excellent, but it is OK,
    only minor mis-account statements that i have not been reported to me yet
    on the results.

    How we make difference ? I know an old wisdom : “Even a Beggar who
    has received the “money or help” have to provide helps to his peers”

    Means, Everyone SHOULD act as an Agent of Love and Blessings of The “ALMIGHTY” for the “less fortunates”

    For Indonesia, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, should be encourage
    to all levels of companies : private own, cooperative, government, non profit, etc.

    Why ? because unlike countries : singapore, usa, australia, european union, etc, the government here has not yet able to implement social nets services like : social securities, cpf, etc — the less fortunate and poors are not able to be supported by government !

    So, rather than we are debating whether the “CSR” is good or not for the companies here in Indonesia, for the time being, unless Indonesia is changing
    to become “nonDeveloping country” anymore, CSR is a MUST, A Wajib or in
    Islam calls a Sunnah.

    With CSR as tools of “enforcement” to everybody ( but results for everybody )
    I believe, we can make some significant differences here.

    Remember, the “poor” or “less fortunate” can not wait.


    Bambang Liem

  3. taoism2007 said,

    December 5, 2007 at 4:03 am

    There are 2 types of disasters : one is caused by Natural Events ( solar fluctuations, meteorites, eclipse, etc ), second is caused by Human.

    The current events of disasters, in the eyes of judeo-blblical history, looks similar with what occurs in ancient eqypt !

    Their ( ancient eqypt ) 10 plagues were known by couple people at that moment, while most eqyptians do not know why they have to face the curses !
    Only high ranking officials at the Egyptian kingdom that know what were happening.

    my questions : are our high ranking government aware also that these disasters that come upon indonesia also “related to their” behaviour?

    Only time will know

  4. worldharvest said,

    December 5, 2007 at 4:59 am

    It is true that one can argue that the modern disasters resemble that of Judeo-Biblical history, except for the fact the biblical accounts were announced before-hand, were specific, and happened in succession. They also had an end in sight, and that was letting God’s people go. The high-ranking officials in the biblical accounts were in direct confrontation with God. So to answer your question as to whether the high-ranking officials in Indonesia, or any other nations where disasters hit, are aware of these disasters before hand, I doubt it. I would suggest that they know just as much we know. However, there is a responsibility, not only for our part, but also for their part as well to implement measures before hand to tackle challenges that we can certainly say will inevitably happen.

    That’s why I believe in the community transformation concepts that organizations like W.H implement. They may not be perfect, but at least they are positioned in poor communities, and God-forbid, should disaster happen, they are positioned to help.

  5. taoism2007 said,

    December 5, 2007 at 11:26 am

    You meant by : “except for the fact the biblical accounts were announced before-hand, were specific,…” in my opinions, nobody knows know
    that our high ranking officials are whether “aware” or “unaware” before hand.

    However, in my observations, long finish the time of “fantastic miracles” :
    splitting the sea, man flying up in the air etc. With the advances of technologies, “all miracles” can be made by man. So, the world systems,
    in my opinion, as what the ALMIGHTY wanted to be, shall run in “natural
    orders” — following the cause-effect law or the “karma” law.

    So, with the advanced knowledges in Religious training, Indonesia, one of
    the countries that Proud itself to be a country with Monotheistic law, PANCASILA’s STATEMENT — the
    follower and descendants of Abraham — the first Tauhid or Monotheistic
    man — our high ranking officials should “aware” of the “cause and effect”
    when they are not “performing” well or “do or plan” harm to fellow citizen.

    Hence, with their great deep knowledges of religious understanding, when disaster blows in Indonesia, the high ranking officials should understand them !

    comparing ancient egyptian with present indonesia : the ancient egyptian were fighting and enslaving Moses’ fellow countrymen; hence i wonder who are the indonesian are fighting and enslaving ? — that make indonesia facing great numerous disasters

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