Shalom from World Harvest!

Shalom and Blessed Holidays!

By God’s grace, we have come yet again to the end of another year. Despite the prevalent and increasing uncertainties of our times, we rejoice in the Lord—our Sure-Foundation.

At World Harvest, our vision remains resolute; simply, to pour our lives and resources into ‘One Child, One Leader, One Community’ at a time. As the global markets and financial sectors are assailed with destruction from “moth and rust” and thieves breaking in to “steal” (Matthew 6:19-21), we have come to appreciate ever more the invaluable investments we have placed into people’s lives since 1989.

Over the years, by directing resources into lives, thousands of people worldwide have come to realize their dreams. Currently, about 2,500 children are being cared for through our Sponsor-A-Child (SAC) program. Of these children, 1,000 still do not have a sponsor-parent. We sincerely believe in what we do, and for this reason, we will continue to support them until we secure caring-sponsors for each of these precious children.

For this year’s end, we invite you to take a part in the mission of investing “treasures” in heaven, through soul winning and kingdom building—by sponsoring a child or purchasing a holiday gift. Your sponsorship will provide for a continual witness and the investment of your resources into a child’s life—for the Glory of God!

Please visit our site, and click on the “Happy Holiday” flash piece for more information on how you can help this holiday season, by clicking here: Happy Holidays!


World Harvest

Impacting the World through Creative Community, Education and Media Services:
‘One Child, One Leader, One Community’ at a time.