Flooding in Salembaran Jaya

On Friday, February 1st, World Harvest held a medical clinic. The original time was from 10am to 2pm, but heavy rain caused flooding. There hadn’t been a flood in Salembaran Jaya village in over 15 years, but last Friday it flooded. The starting time was delayed until 1pm because villagers couldn’t arrive on time, but at last the clinic started and ran well. We served approximately 300 people in this community. Almost all of the homes of the World Harvest sponsored children were flooded. The medical clinic led by Dr. Mickey and Dr. Ivon finished around 5pm. It turned out that the flooding affected most of Jakarta as well, including ten of the poor communities served by World Harvest.

Director, WH- Indonesia

What is the World Doing?

Devastating earthquakes have ravished through Indonesia in the past few months. It seems as though the phenomenon was just a quick news flash, and then the world was on to something else. It is hard to imagine that the South Pacific region of Asia which was hit with the massive tsunami a few years ago that set the region back dozens of years, has had to undergo the recent bout of devastating earthquakes. What a lot of Westerners don’t realize is that third-world countries don’t have the infrastructure, resources, nor the much needed finances to clean up, and put the aftermath of disasters behind them. No, they are left to wallow in the ruins, and live with a constant reminded or how tragic it can be to live in a third-world context. Please, what can we do to make a difference?